Find Your Place

Broadway has a full complement of committees who oversee the work of the church. The following is a list of those committees.

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee annually nominates church members to fill vacant positions on the Deacon Body and on the various church committees. The Nominating Committee also recruits the coordinator and assistant coordinator for each of the church’s volunteer teams. Throughout the year, should a committee position become vacant, the Nominating Committee will convene to nominate a member to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the position’s term.

Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee recruits, interviews, and recommends to the church, candidates for staff positions, including compensation and benefits. The committee also designs and annually reviews compensation and benefits programs and the Personnel Policies and Procedure Manual.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee provides for annual audit of the books and accounts of the church by a reputable certified public accounting firm and presents the audit report to the church.

Building/Maintenance Committee

The Building/Maintenance Committee oversees the safekeeping, protection, maintenance, and repair of the buildings and operating facilities and equipment of the church.

Bylaws Committee

The Bylaws Committee has a thorough working knowledge of the church bylaws, and annually reviews and recommends changes to the church bylaws, the Handbook of Organization, and the Policy Book.

Children’s Committee

The Children’s Committee recommends, publicizes, and assists in the implementation of policies and procedures for children’s activities, facilities, and equipment, and provides input in the annual budgeting process for the children’s ministry.

Music Committee

The Music Committee works with members of the music staff in developing the church’s music program; recommends procurement and maintenance of musical equipment; assists in locating outside musicians when necessary; counsels the personnel committee regarding music staffing decisions; and provides input in the annual budgeting process for the music ministry.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee develops and submits the annual church operating budget to the Deacons and the church; regularly reviews the church financial position; reviews and approves major spending requests; and works with church leadership in setting financial policies and procedures.

Grounds/Beautification Committee

The Grounds/Beautification Committee is responsible for the safekeeping, protection, and maintenance of the church grounds, excluding the building, sidewalks, driveways, signs, and exterior lighting facilities; proposing changes in the landscaping of the grounds; and working with the personnel committee concerning the need for and the responsibilities of the maintenance personnel.

Missions Committee

The Missions Committee prepares and an annual comprehensive missions strategy for the church, in consultation with other committees and groups in the church; proposes an annual budget for missions activity; and leads church-wide offerings for missions.

Outreach Committee

The Outreach Committee assists in coordinating a program of outreach. The committee members are personally involved in welcoming church visitors, facilitating follow-up contact, and working with the Sunday School director to integrate interested visitors in a Sunday School class. The committee also plans a program of visitation to church members at special times of crisis such as deaths, tragedies or accidents.

Youth Activities Committee

The Youth Activities Committee recommends, publicizes, and assists in implementation of a total program for the youth (grades six through twelve) of the church, including activities for youth and the families of youth; maintains a line of communication between youth, youth families, and church staff; and counsels the personnel committee and the deacons relative to positions relating to the youth program.