What does Broadway believe?

One way of answering this question is by pointing to some Guiding Statements adopted by the church a few years ago. If you are curious how we go about worship, see What to Expect in Worship.

Beyond that, it's not easy to say. Broadway is not big on conformity, and—historically, at least—neither have been Baptists. Our pastor often says, "If you have never disagreed with anything I have said from this pulpit, then one of two things is true: Either I'm not much of a preacher, or you're not much of a Baptist." Freedom, as they say, has a price, and one of the small prices is that it's not easy to offer a statement of beliefs.

But there are values and beliefs we hold in common, and there is a harmonious spirit in the church. In addition to the Guiding Statements, take a look below at Why Christ? Why Church? Why Broadway Baptist Church?

If you have more questions, you may contact our Senior Pastor, Kevin Gardner-Sinclair, at kevin@broadwaybaptist.org.

Why Christ? Why the Church? Why Broadway Baptist Church?

Why Christ? Because…

  • In Christ our deepest needs are met.

  • In Christ our hardest questions are addressed.

  • In Christ our noblest aspirations are inspired.

Why the Church? Because…

  • In a clamoring world, anxious souls need worship’s stillness and prayer’s peace.

  • When life hurts, everyone needs a community that listens and cares.

  • As society lusts after the latest thing, we who are the Church pass noble teachings and eternal truths from generation to generation.

  • As lives are tossed by life’s currents, God’s truths are touchstones that ground our lives in faith and renew our lives through hope.

  • In a society too wrapped up in the small package of me, we who are the Church proclaim Christ’s promise of a robust life—rooted not in getting and being served, but in giving and serving others.

Why Broadway Baptist Church? Because…

  • In a society of binary thinking and shouted opinions, we who are Broadway welcome thoughtful challenges and learn through civil conversations.

  • When people face change—beginning or ending a marriage, growing up or growing old, moving to a new community or to a new nation—we who are Broadway want to help.

  • In a part of our city where poverty and injustice too often are met with apathy’s cold smile, we try to cultivate hearts that listen, voices that speak, and hands that serve.

  • As many churches understandably choose worship in the vein of popular culture, we celebrate the rich heritage of worship where high standards are pursued and God’s loving mystery is sought.

  • When for many “Baptist” means closed minds and imposed conformity, we keep alive the true Baptist heritage of independent thinking and of religious liberty for people of all faiths or of no faith.