Welcome to Broadway Baptist!

We hope this site helps introduce you to what God is up to at Broadway where we believe, “Every story matters.” If you are a guest with us for, we hope you will experience the warmth and welcome of our community of faith. In our worship of God, mission to the world, ministry for each other, and our life together, we seek to embody the love, peace, and joy of Christ to a world filled with fear, anxiety, and loneliness. In Genesis 1, God calls everything God creates, “Good,” until Genesis 3, when God sees the Human alone, and God says, “It is NOT good that the human is alone.” God gives us the gift of relationship because we were created to live in community. We invite you to learn more about the family of faith the Holy Spirit is cultivating at Broadway Baptist Church.

What time do services start?

Sunday School starts at 10:00 a.m. with Worship following at 11 a.m.

I Am A Visitor. Where Do I Park?

There are parking lots on either side (east and west) of the Sanctuary. Guest Parking is found on the east side of the building—just behind the lawn on the left side of the sanctuary. On the west side of the building, there is parking for parents of infants and toddlers. There are handicapped spaces on either side of the facility and several in front.

What Doors Do I Enter If I’m Visiting?

If you are visiting for our 11:00 a.m. worship service, please enter one of the double doors in the front of the church (facing U.S. 42). You will be greeted by one of our members who will be happy to provide you with information about Broadway and answer any questions that you have. If you are visiting for Sunday School (10:00 a.m. Sunday), please enter the Atrium doors near the Family Life Center toward the rear of the west parking lot. One of our members will be seated at the visitors’ desk and will assist you in finding a class that suits your interests.

What Is Worship Like?

Worship at Broadway focuses on God, but at the same time meets the needs of people. Worship is not only led by Broadway’s ministers—you will regularly see worship led by children, youth, and people of all generations. We hope the information in the links on the right side of this page will answer any questions you have about worship and fellowship opportunities at Broadway. We would be happy to speak with you personally to provide more information.

If you are unfamiliar with traditional worship, here is a Guide to Worship. Copies of the guide are also available in the pews where people are seated.

Is There A Dress Code For Worship Services?

No.  "Business attire" would describe how most people dress. For example, about half the men wear ties. But we gladly welcome all worshipers regardless of dress.

What Is The Music Like During Worship?

Broadway’s Music Ministry seeks to enhance our congregation’s worship experience through music that is instructive and has a high degree of reverence for God. The Adult Choir sings anthems which support the sermon message with music ranging from classical to traditional hymn arrangements, gospel songs or spirituals. The choir, which is open to anyone, is accompanied by an organist who plays on one of the finest pipe organs in the Midwest. The choir is also often accompanied by a pianist as well as by guest instrumentalists. Broadway also has adult and youth hand bell choirs, youth choirs, children’s choirs and children’s chimes which perform during worship services. Throughout the service, the congregation participates in the singing of traditional hymns.

How Long Are Your Worship Services?

Usually about an hour.

Where Do My Children Go During Worship?

Broadway provides nursery rooms for both infants and toddlers during Sunday School and worship services.  Sunday School and worship programs vary by age for preschool and grade school children. Our Children’s Ministry page includes information about how we incorporate children into our worship and activities at Broadway.

How Do I Find The Nursery?

The nursery is in the main building, behind the Sanctuary on the east side of the building.  You can access the nursery from various entrances to the building. Our greeters will be happy to assist you.

How Do I Find The Children’s Learning Center (CLC)?

The CLC is in the lower level of the main building.  You can access the CLC from various entrances to the building.  Our greeters will be happy to assist you.

Do You Have Devices To Assist The Hearing Impaired During Worship Services?

Yes, you may request these devices from the greeters stationed in the Foyer before you enter the Sanctuary.

What Do You Believe?

We seek to learn, live and proclaim Christ’s message of grace, hope and love through worship, fellowship and service. Please visit What We Believe to learn more about Broadway.

How Do I Become A Member Of Broadway?

Broadway receives members in different ways including Confession of Faith and Baptism, Promise of Letter, Statement of Faith, or by Watchcare. The traditional way to join Broadway is to come forward during the hymn of commitment toward the end of the worship service.  A minister will ask you how you would like to join, and then will introduce you to the church. If you have any questions about the membership process, we encourage you to reach out to one of our ministers. Ready to take the next step in your faith journey?

Do You Provide Counseling?

Yes. Our pastoral counselor, Dr. Leslie Townsend, offers pastoral counseling through Broadway’s Twyman Counseling Center. Pastoral counseling is available to anyone.  For more information, contact Dr. Townsend.  

Who Do I Contact For More Information About Broadway?

Please go to our Staff and Leaders page to email our pastor and others. Or, visit the Contact Us page for more ways to be in touch.