I was nurtured in an extended family that actively participated in all aspects of their church. If the church doors were opened towards the ever changing Miami streets, I was expected to be present. Consequently, my path to a life of faith was lived out before me by people I both loved and respected.
Two influential life events shaped by faith journey: the suicide of my beloved grandfather and race relations within my city. The unexpected news of my grandfather’s choice was shocking and thus earth shattering to our family, church and community. As a teenager in the 70’s, this subject was taboo. Thus, my path of loneliness and hopelessness was too heavy to bear. However, a music minister came along and walked along side me and I soon discovered that suicide and hopelessness does not have the last word and that nothing can separate us from the love of God. Soon thereafter, I was one of the few in my local community whose parents chose to participate in the public school busing program. I was thrown into a world where I was in the minority and soon realized that prejudiced was something one was taught. This experience came at a cost for me and my parents. Yet, it was a life changing event that has continued to change the lives of future generations within our extended family.
I am an ordinary person who uses the gift of music to share the extraordinary story of God’s unconditional love and grace. My pilgrimage to Broadway was in response to a strong calling to serve alongside the people here through worship and the arts. This is a compassionate church family and I am blessed to be on this faith journey with them.