Lenten Prayer Chains

This year, the Children’s Committee created a new tradition we are calling Lenten Prayer Chain. One of the most important things we can do during Lent is turn to God in prayer. We know that most of our families already have a tradition of praying before meals or before you go to bed. Each day, we are inviting families to incorporate the prayer chain into your daily prayer time by adding a strip (they received in the mail) to the chain as you pray for the person or  people listed on the strip. By Easter Sunday, it will be amazing to see how long the list of prayers extends! Maybe it will go all the way across the bedroom wall or down the staircase – wherever they decide to put it, it will be a great display of the journey they went on with God this Lenten season.

We believe this is a devotional tool that all our children can participate in – from the smallest infant to the almost-teenager. Even if they cannot speak, we know that praying with their parents will help instill this practice of leaning on God, during Lent, and in all times!