Next Steps

Take the Next Step in Your Faith Journey

How Do I Take The Next Step?

A Note from Our Pastor

You may be considering any one of several next steps in your journey of faith. Sometimes people are not sure how to answer some of the following questions:

  • I want to grow closer to God. How can Broadway help me do that?

  • How do I become a Christian?

  • I didn’t grow up Baptist. How then do I join Broadway?

  • I’ve been a member of Broadway or another church, but it’s been years since I was active. How do I re-establish my church relationship?

  • How can I participate in the life and ministries of Broadway if I’m not ready to join yet?

God leads us in different ways and down different paths. I’m glad you are trying to follow God in your life, and Broadway is eager to help you decide for yourself what that direction should be. If you have questions about any of the next steps listed above, or about anything related to your life of faith, please ask me

— Chris Caldwell, Pastor

How to get more information

  • You may contact our pastor, Chris Caldwell, directly by phone or text at (502) 594-6113 or by email.
  • You may speak to any of our ministers through the church office at (502) 895-2459.
  • You may ask us to contact you by contacting us if you are ready to join.

Broadway receives members in different ways including:

  • Confession of Faith and Baptism
    If you are not a Christian, we invite you to become one. Confess your sins to God, accept God’s forgiveness, and place your trust in Jesus Christ. Follow through with baptism, the visible symbol of your death to your pre-Christ life and the reality of your new life in Christ. Often people privately choose to follow Christ and are not baptized. You can join by baptism even if you have privately been a Christian for years.
  • Promise of Letter
    If you wish to transfer your membership from another Baptist church, we will receive you and send a letter to the church to have your membership transferred.
  • Statement of Faith
    If you have experienced Christian baptism in another tradition, and you have made a decision to accept Christ as Savior, we will receive you on the basis of your statement of faith and will not ask you to be baptized again.
  • Watchcare Membership
    This choice is available to those who are not prepared to choose one of the other options. You may speak with the pastor if you are interested in Watch Care membership.

The traditional way to join is to come forward during the “Hymn of Commitment” toward the end of the worship service. A minister will ask you how you would like to join, and then will introduce you to the church.