Interim Lunch and Surveys - Make Your Voices Heard

Please prayerfully respond to the questions listed on our Interim Survey as a starting place for our listening/dialoguing seminars which will be led by Dr. Ron Higdon, our intentional interim/consultant. We are requesting all surveys be completed by August 22. You may complete this information online at:, or complete a copy in the Atrium, Narthex, or outside the church office. All surveys are confidential and are so important as we find common ground in moving forward to find our new pastor. These surveys will be a guiding direction to our pastor search team.

On August 27, we will host a shortened service at 11 a.m., followed by the annual Ministry Fair in the Atrium and Family Life Center. At 12:30 p.m., a catered lunch will be served in Friendship Hall. The cost is $6 per person. Reservations can be made by calling the church office. During lunch, Ron will lead us in a process for determining when our listening sessions will be held and will provide submitted answers to the surveys as we continue to establish common ground in this very important milestone in our church’s future. Childcare is available for this event. 

~Debby Griffin