A Message from the Interim Pastor

If you were not able to be present at the luncheon on Sunday, copies of the results of the church survey will be available through the church office and from the table in the narthex on Sundays. You will also find some responses to the survey from those present at the luncheon.

Our first interim luncheon workshop will be on September 17 after worship. Unless otherwise noted, all workshops will take place on Sunday following morning worship. The subject will be: The Role Renegotiation Model. This model provides the method for maintaining all healthy relationships: marriage, family, friends, and congregational. The lunch line will open immediately after the service. Reservations are necessary and can be made by calling the church office 502.895.2459, filling in a form provided in Sunday School, in the pew racks, or going to our website. 

The subject for the workshop on September 24 will be: Handling Conflict with Maturity. The responses to questions asked in the workshops will be published and available in the narthex the following Sunday. Our goal is to maintain the free flow of information. The workshops will provide times for conversation and dialogue and the opportunity to get to know one another. It’s all a part of preparing the church for the successful ministry of a new pastor.

-Ron Higdon