Stewardship Sunday and Children's Sabbath

On Sunday, October 1, our morning worship will be led by the children of Broadway on the theme of "Planting Seeds." The service will include a baby dedication, a baptism, the children's choir singing, and communion. The children are working hard to lead a service that encourages the church and helps to guide us as we continue to nurture the youngest among us in their faith.

October 1 is also Stewardship Sunday. This week, you received pledge cards in the mail. The Stewardship Team asks that you prayerfully consider your giving for 2018, and turn in your pledge cards during worship on October 1. These pledges will help us as we plant seeds for the future of Broadway, and will allow us to prepare more fully for the ministry of a new pastor.

After worship, we will have a church-wide potluck in Friendship Hall to celebrate the children's leadership and the Stewardship Campaign. The church will provide meat, and each individual/family unit is asked to bring a side item or dessert and $2 to offset the cost of meat!

-Emily Holladay