Ministry Plan 2017-18
Spiritual Formation

The Spiritual Formation Ministry at Broadway seeks to engage adults in faith development for all stages of life.  We work through Sunday School classes, small groups, seminars, and engaging within the community to create space for study, conversation, and friendship. Our hope is to provide a foundation of faith that can be seen in our everyday lives - living the example that Christ showed us of loving God and loving our neighbors.

In 2016-2017 we launched a new Sunday School class for young adults, began a series of studies on books of the Bible geared toward senior adults, and held seminars for all ages. In 2017-2018 we plan to continue offering opportunities to grow together through worship, fellowship, and service.


  • We will have small group options that include intensive Bible Study, Spiritual Practices, faith as it relates to current issues, and book studies.  We will offer at least 5 groups in the fall and 5 groups in the spring.   
  • We will offer a small group specifically geared toward faith and mental health in fall of 2017. 
  • We will continue to offer a wide range of Adult Sunday school classes for all ages. 


  • We will continue to offer opportunities to engage with all ages of the congregation through Summer Seminars and Summer Service Projects – 9 weeks total. 
  • We will have Paired Sunday School classes which are two classes joining together to share a lesson and ideas.  We will do this once in the fall and once in the spring to help classes from differing age groups and interests get to know one another better. 
  • We will host two church-wide Pancake breakfasts and two church-wide Potlucks encouraging a time to get to know Broadway members and guests. 


  • We will have Summer Service Sunday School projects – 6 weeks of mission projects for all ages that benefit our signature mission partners.
  • We will offer Wednesday night service projects – offering two mission or outreach projects in the fall and two mission or outreach projects in the spring during the Wednesday night small group time. 
  • We will create a small group “team” to do projects as needed with Ministry Partners.  Work time will also include a time of prayer and devotion. 
  • We will continue to have our annual Service in September offering the opportunity to work with local mission partners and increase intergenerational interaction within the congregation.