Ministry Plan 2018-19


The Youth Ministry at Broadway is comprised of students in grades 6-12 and their families.  Our mission is to create Christ centered community that embraces difficult questions, explores stories of faith, and cultivates young people to approach life with a sense of grace, compassion and justice. The Youth Ministry Plan for 2017/2018 is modeled after our church mission statement with a focus on Worship/Formation, Service, and Fellowship. 

Worship/Spiritual Formation:

  • Youth will continue to have weekly Biblical Formation on Sunday mornings during the Sunday School hour. Additionally, youth will have two Sunday nights per month focused specifically on how their faith relates with their everyday lives. We will explore topics like bullying, making hard decisions, and faith in film.

  • Youth will continue to lead in church-wide worship services through reading scripture, litanies, and prayers. They will also lead a church-wide worship service in its entirety from planning to implementation.

  • Three outside leaders will lead the youth through “real world” growth as they explore practical skills (ex: how to change a tire or check oil, how to make decisions about choosing classes, what to look for in colleges, and how to handle finances).


  • An international mission trip (or intensive week long national) trip will be held in the summer of 2018 for juniors and seniors.

  • Youth will participate once a quarter in a local mission project.

  • Speakers from the missions committee will meet with the youth to share more about how the Missions funding and service of Broadway impacts our community.


  • Fellowship/community nights will be held one a month on Sunday nights rotating to different youth and church host homes. This will be a time of team building, Bible Study and games.

  • Three intentional socials will be held throughout the year with an emphasis on inviting friends to attend and get to know the youth group better.

  • The Annual Christmas Party will include an invitation to youth alumni to help bridge the gap between high school and college aged students, continuing to foster a sense of community in the younger population of the church.